Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Assessment Tracker

Keeping up with formal and informal assessments can often be a daunting task if not organized.  My first co-hort teacher (who is also my best friend) and I came up with a system that worked well for our students. (As EC teachers we are having to document always and collect data 24/7)
Introducing the Assessment Tracker
 a simple notebook
 the cover sheet for each student. This is where I list the date, the assignment type, if it's informal or formal, and the results/notes
 example of math common assessments that we take each week
 the work samples follow the cover sheet and are in order by date
 we also graph and track our progress on reading and math common assessments which gives the students a chance to chart their growth, reflect on their performance, and set goals for themselves. 
I keep extra copies of the cover sheet in the pocket

Simple eh?
It works wonders. Perfect to take to meetings, conferences, etc.
How do you keep your assessment results organized?

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